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SGIS International School Open House: A Success!

We are delighted to share with you the highlights of our open house event that took place on Friday, August 11, 2023. It was a great opportunity for us to welcome the parents of our current and prospective students and to showcase our school’s excellence.

The open house started with a warm welcome from our principals, Mrs. Irma Murray & Mrs. Khunnourn Long who gave an overview of our school’s mission, vision, and values. They also introduced our Ontario curriculum and Khmer Curriculum, which is designed to provide our students with a high-quality education that prepares them for the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century.

Next, the parents were invited to visit our classrooms and meet our teachers and students. They were able to see first-hand the learning activities that take place in our school, such as reading, writing, math, science, art, music, and more. They also learned about the exciting events and projects that we have planned for the next academic year, such as our spelling bee, science project day, and collaborative events with the Khmer program.

One of the highlights of the open house was the announcement of our collaboration with Temple Tigers Sports Club, a local organization that offers various sports programs for children. Thanks to this partnership, we will be able to offer our students the opportunity to participate in sports like badminton, swimming, soccer, and volleyball. We believe that physical education is an essential part of our students’ well-being and development.

The open house ended with a Q&A session, where the parents were able to ask any questions, they had about our school and our programs. We were happy to answer their queries and to receive their feedback. We appreciate their interest and support for our school.

We would like to thank all the parents who attended our open house event. It was lovely to meet you all and to share with you our passion for education. We hope you enjoyed the experience as much as we did. We look forward to seeing you again soon.

After the parents left, our students enjoyed a healthy lunch of spaghetti bolognese and watermelon. They were proud of their achievements and eager to continue their learning journey with us.

Thank you for choosing SGIS International School! 😊

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